Why are Escape Rooms So Popular?

There are many reasons why escape rooms are so popular with the public and we’d like to share some of them with you today. Many different types come here to take part in our Escape Games because they have so much fun. We believe it’s an experience you’ll want to repeat once you’ve tried it, because we know that most of our players do.

Escape Rooms are popular for a wide variety of reasons because it hits a note with almost everyone – from all walks of life. Corporate teams use it to see what skills they can identify in their team and to identify strengths and weaknesses. It works, because we see a lot of them come here time and again. People also come here to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and other special events. We also see a lot of students who come to get away from their studies.

Differently themed rooms with ideas taken from popular culture

The themed rooms are extremely popular and play a big factor in why Escape Games are such a great hit. The themes are based on games, books and movies from popular culture, something that’s hit a note with the general public. The rooms are kitted out in the movie title or book and then the puzzles and clues are secreted within the furniture and props within each room.

Celebrate your event – no matter what it is

It’s a great way of celebrating events as we’ve already discussed, but also for date nights and passing exams or driving tests. So, it doesn’t have to be something traditional, it can be anything you like, whether it’s big or small. You can celebrate any kind of milestone, whatever it is that been hard fought for and you’ve made yourself proud. If it’s important to you then it’s definitely worth celebrating.

Escape Colchester – for games that help you celebrate the best things in life

We hope we’ve helped you understand why Escape Games, Colchester is so popular. We’d love to see you here, so why not book your room online or over the phone and be part of the best game in town!